Collins 51S-1 bandscope
a Heathkit SB-620

purpose of this project, is to connect a Collins 51S-1 receiver with a
Heathkit SB-620 "scanalyzer", so as to give the 51S-1 band scope
capability. Right into the schematic presented below, a slight
modification is needed to the 51S-1. I usually do not do modifications
to old equipment unless absolutely needed and even when I do so, I take
care for them to be easily undone and to modify them as little as
The modification to the 51S-1 is simply a small coupling capacitor
connected to the plate of the mixer tube V4A and a short run of thin
coaxial cable, connected as shown, to one of the several SPARE RCA
connectors at the back of the 51S-1. Collins engineers were smart
enough to include SPARE RCA connectors at the back of the radio, which
are not connected to anything inside the radio circuit, to be used for
different future purposes. So we do not have to drill any holes to the
chassis of the prescious receiver, which would be catastrophic.
The coupling capacitor is just 5pF, so compared to C125, this presents
only a tiny fraction of the loading to V4A plate, i.e. not affecting
the normal operation of the receiver. Note, you cannot take directly
the 500KHz IF output that is originally provided by the 51S-1 RCA in
the back of the radio. This is because this IF is AFTER the filters, so
it is a narrow IF. We need WIDE IF for the scanalizer to work properly,
so you have to perform this tiny modification to the 51S-1.
No need to say that the SB-620 needs to be re-tuned for 500KHz instead
of 455KHz. I was unlucky and my SB-620 did not have the appropriate L3
to be tuned to the IF of 455/500KHz. Mine had the L3 used for an IF of
5.2-6MHz. I converted the SB-620 to work down to 500KHz by using this
original higher-frequency L3 and adding two additional inductors to it,
one at its bottom and one at its top, so as to make L3 larger. The
additional bottom inductor I added (connected from the bottom of L3 to
the ground) was a 15uH choke. The additional top inductor I added
(connected from the top of L3 to C3 and C5), was a 455KHz IF CAN
transformer (the one with the adjustable yellow-painted cap) taken out
of a transistor radio. Of course I have removed the internal capacitor
of the transformer before using it. My transformer had something like
200-300uH in the mid-set point. It is not too critical as this is a
tunable transformer.
By making this modification to the SB-620 you can bring the 5.2-6MHz
L3, down to 500KHz. Of course the slug of L3 now has limited tuning
range. But we can coarse tune the hybrid L3 now, by tuning the IF
transformer that has been added. This solution worked like a charm and
the original L3 is still fit in place, looking original and helps in
fine tuning if needed. For the optional mixer input (points A, B, C on
the SB-620), I used circuit #1, but I did not notice any real difference from circuit #3. RFC1 is 304uH and I connected three
100uH chokes in series to make this RFC.
The solution described in this page, will add a huge value to your
vintage receiving station. SWLing feels just different by having an
all-tubes computer-free band scope. Here is a picture of the setup,
nicely glowing in the night. That P7 CRT blue phosphor with its green
afterglow "memory" effect looks amazing! Narrow resolution is actually
only achievable, because of this afterglow of the CRT, which alows for
much slower sweep rates.
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