CB2 micro BASIC programming language reference manual |
priority | operators |
highest | * , / , % , # , ^ |
... | << , >> |
... | + , - , & |
lowest | = , <> , < , <= , > , >= |
ABS( | Calculates the absolute value of the bracketed expression |
SGN( | Computes the sign (-1,0,1) of the parenthesized expression |
NOT( | inverts the parenthetical expression |
SQR( | pulls the square root out of the bracketed expression |
RND( | generates a random number between 0 and the parenthesized expression |
IN( | returns the level value of the specified port pin (0-7) at the parallel interface, if the parameter value is 255, the port pins are read in as byte, |
SPI( | outputs a byte via the SPI interface and returns the read-in value |
TEMP( | returns the temperature value of the specified LM75 sensor (0-7) |
ADC( | provides the analog value of the voltage of the specified port pin (0-7) at the parallel interface |
XPEEK( | reads a byte of data from the optional data EEPROM, the parenthetical expression determines the address |
EPEEK( | reads a data byte from the internal EEPROM, address 0 ... 999 |
VPEEK( | reads a byte of data from the frame buffer |
LO( | returns the low byte of the bracketed expression |
HI( | returns the high byte of the bracketed expression |
KEY( | provides various keyboard queries, see section Keyboard |
AR( | Array value (see below) |
SIN( | returns the sine of the angle (in 1/10 degrees) by 255 |
COS( | returns the cosine of the angle (in 1/10 degrees) by 255 |
FTYPE( | see section File Functions |
FSIZE( | see section File Functions |
ERR( | Error information, see section Error handling |
XREC( | reads in a data block via XModem protocol |
DBIT( | converts font data |
PSTAT( | Sequencer status, see section Audio |
01 A=-4 |
01 A=-39 |
01 A=-39 >> 1 |
01 LIMIT A,1,6 |
01 V=180 |
Y = Y0 + ((Y1-Y0) * (X-X0) / (X1-X0)) |
01 DATA 0,"Hello",0 |
02 ACOPY 0,1029,10 |
01 DA 0,"Test",0 |
01 DA 100," north east south west" |
01 VM 4:? @0,0;%0;:BORDER 4 |
01 B=0:GOTO 2 |
01 IF A>5 THEN A=5 |
01 CLS |
01 A=0 |
01 GOSUB 4,2,3 |
01 LFIND L,$1200 |
xx A=(A+1)&15:BORDER A: GOTO ~L |
01 REPEAT :UNTIL ~S<230:BO 4 |
value | 0/8 | 1/9 | 2/10 | 3/11 | 4/12 | 5/13 | 6/14 | 7/15 |
colour | black | blue | red | magenta | green | cyan | yellow | White |
value | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
colour | black | blue | red | magenta | green | cyan | yellow | light gray |
value | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
colour | dark gray | light blue | light red | light magenta | lime | light cyan | light yellow | white |
01 COLOR 4,2 |
"TEXT" | the text TEXT is output |
#Expr | Determining the output channel (see below) |
!Expr | Sets the format (see below) |
@Expr1,Expr2 | Cursor positioning (Y=Expr1, X=Expr2) |
%Expr | Direct output of a character with character code=Expr |
&Expr | returns array elements as characters. Stopping at a zero byte or when the end of the array is reached. Works only in byte access to the array. |
Expr | outputs the result of the printout with the set format |
; | Separator between expressions |
, | Separator between expressions, spaces up to the next position divisible by 8 |
#0 | Output to the screen, default setting |
#1 | Output to the serial system interface |
#2 | Output to the parallel interface |
#3 | Output to the array |
#4 | Output to the second serial interface (ATMega644P only) |
#5... | Output via the I2C interface |
Bit 7 | 0=decimal output, 1=hexadecimal output |
Bit 6 | 1 switches to large display |
Bit 4/5 | Comma position (0-3 decimal places), only for decimal output |
Bit 2/3 | Number of digits issued (2-5), only for decimal output |
Bit 0/1 | 0=compact, 1=leading spaces 2=leading zeros 3=leading zeros with sign |
Bit 0 | 2/4 characters in hexadecimal output |
01 CBOX 3,3,5,5 |
01 COLOR 7,3:FRAME 0,0,22,29 |
01 COLOR 7,3:HFRAME 0,0,22,29 |
01 IBOX 0,0,0,0 |
n | direction |
0 | up |
1 | to the right |
2 | downward |
3 | to the left |
10 SCROLL 2 |
11 GCH F,0,0 |
12 GAT F,0,0 |
bit | function |
0 | Background color bit 0 |
1 | Background color bit 1 |
2 | Background color bit 2 |
3 | Background color bit 3 |
4 | Foreground color Bit 0 |
5 | Foreground color bit 1 |
6 | Foreground color bit 2 |
7 | Foreground color bit 3 |
bit | function |
0 | Background color bit 3 |
1 | Background color bit 0 |
2 | Background color bit 1 |
3 | Background color bit 2 |
4 | Foreground color bit 3 |
5 | Foreground color Bit 0 |
6 | Foreground color bit 1 |
7 | Foreground color bit 2 |
01 INPUT "TASK: ",M |
01 INPUT "Text: ",M |
Code Hexadecimal | Code decimal | Button |
$C0 | 192 | Power |
$C1 | 193 | Sleep |
$C2 | 194 | Wake |
$E0 | 224 | Pos1 |
$E1 | 225 | End |
$E2 | 226 | Arrow key to the left |
$E3 | 227 | Arrow key to the right |
$E4 | 228 | Arrow key up |
$E5 | 229 | Arrow key down |
$E6 | 230 | Picture up |
$E7 | 231 | Picture down |
$E8 | 232 | Ins |
$E9 | 233 | Del |
$EA | 234 | Enter |
$EB | 235 | Tab |
$EC | 236 | Backspace |
$ED | 237 | Esc |
$F1...$FC | 241...252 | F1...F12 |
KEY(0) | The pressed key or 0x00 is returned |
KEY(1) | It waits for a keystroke, result is the code of the pressed key. |
KEY(2) | It waits until no key is pressed, the code of the last pressed key is returned. |
KEY(3) | The status of the Shift and CTRL keys is returned. See below |
KEY(4) | left shift key returns 1, left control key returns -1, both together 0 |
KEY(5) | right shift key returns 1, right control key returns -1, both together 0 |
KEY(6) | Cursor left key returns -1, cursor right key returns 1 |
KEY(7) | Cursor down key returns -1 Cursor up key returns 1 |
KEY(8) | The last scancode read is returned |
KEY(9...255) | Waiting until the key with the corresponding key code is pressed |
bit | function |
0 | Left shift key |
1 | Right shift key |
2 | Left CTRL key |
3 | Right CTRL key |
4 | ALT key |
5-7 | Internal Use |
10 WAIT 10 |
10 SYNC 300 |
10 TSET 0 |
10 TGET Z |
01 ONSYNC 5,50 |
01 ONERR 10 |
01 ONERR 10 |
01 | BREAK | The program was aborted with the key combination Ctrl+C. |
02 | OVERFLOW | For an arithmetic operation, the result is outside the limits of -32767...32767 |
03 | DIVIDE/0 | An attempt was made to divide by zero |
04 | SQR FROM <0 | An attempt was made to draw the square root from a negative number |
05 | CONSTANT TOO BIG | The specified number is outside the limits of -32767...32767 |
06 | WRONG EXPRESSION | The formula contains syntactical errors |
07 | SYNTAX ERROR | Missing parameters, invalid characters |
08 | UNKNOWN KEYWORD | Unknown keyword, the program code contains invalid bytes |
09 | WRONG FORMAT | Number formatting is invalid (more decimal places than visible) |
10 | BAD LINENUMBER | The line with the specified line number does not exist |
11 | NEXT W/O FOR | There is no corresponding FOR for this NEXT statement |
12 | RETURN W/O GOSUB | There is no corresponding GOSUB for this RETURN statement |
13 | STACK OVERFLOW | All in all, only 16 FOR/GOSUB/REPEAT may be "open" at the same time. The cause may be, for example, a recursive subroutine call. |
14 | UNTIL W/O REPEAT | There is no corresponding REPEAT for this UNTIL statement |
15 | I2C ERROR | No device reports at the specified address or not ready, for example, serial EEPROMs can be busy writing data. |
16 | UNKNOWN ERROR | unknown error. Unfortunately, all sorts of combinations of commands, functions, and parameters are not that easy to fully test, and it would be nice if you reported the error. |
17 | DFLASH ERROR | No data flash connected or the device is not responding. |
18 | OUT OF ARRAY | An attempt was made to access an array element that does not exist. The error also occurs if the space in the array is insufficient with BCOPY. |
19 | INCOMPLETE PAR | Too few parameters were specified for the command |
20 | KEYWORD IS MISSING | The specified statement does not start with a keyword, but rather with a number |
21 | WRONG BCOPY | The copy mode is not in the range (1...6) |
22 | OUT OF SCREEN | Attempt to draw outside the screen area (not implemented) |
23 | CAN NOT CREATE FILE | The file already exists or the file number is outside the valid range |
24 | DFLASH FULL | The file can not be created because the space on the dataflash is insufficient. |
25 | FILE NOT FOUND | The file does not exist (is free) |
26 | PAGE NOT IN FILE | The page to read/write does not exist in this file |
27 | PAGES NOT IN RANGE | Only files with 1...128 pages can be created |
28 | NOT IN GRAPHICS FASHION | The specified command can not be executed in graphics mode (VMODE 1...3/5) |
29 | NOT IN TEXT MODE | The specified command can not be executed in text mode (VMODE 0) |
30 | NO USR FILE | Only files of type USR can be read/written (obsolete) |
31 | SRC OUT OF SCREEN | The source block at BCOPY is not completely in the image area |
32 | DEST OUT OF SCREEN | The target block at BCOPY is not completely in the image area |
33 | WRONG SPRITE | The sprite definition has an error (eg greater than 8x8 characters) |
34 | WRONG EEPROM ADR | An attempt was made to access an internal EEPROM cell >1999 |
35 | NO PRG FILE | An attempt was made to load a non-program file with LOADP |
36 | XMODEM ERROR | A (checksum) error occurred during X-modem reception |
37 | CANT LOAD THIS | An attempt was made to overwrite the currently running program with LOADP |
38 | IO DISABLED | Output to the parallel port was deactivated by a driver on program location 8 |
39 | SERIAL1 NOT AVAILABLE | An attempt was made to access the second serial interface, but the controller type is a Mega644 or input pin of the serial system interface is connected to PD3 |
40 | NO IO DRIVER | An attempt was made to access a non-existent address from 0x0800 using IN/OUT |
Mode | Resolution X | Resolution Y | Representable colors |
0 | Text 30 | Text 23 | 16 foreground and 16 background |
1 | 168 | 116 | 2 out of 16 |
2 | 120 | 76 | 4 out of 16 |
3 | 84 | 58 | 16 out of 16 |
4 | (User symbols) 30 | (User symbols) 23 | 16 foreground and 16 background |
5 | 128 | 64 | 2 out of 16 |
6 | (User symbols) 30 | (User symbols) 23 | 16 for each pixel |
7 | Text 30 | Text 2 | 16 foreground and 16 background |
index | Mode 1 | Mode 2 | Mode 3 |
0 | black (0) | black (0) | black (0) |
1 | white (7) | red (2) | blue (1) |
2 | --- | cyan (5) | red (2) |
3 | --- | light gray (7) | magenta (3) |
4 | --- | --- | green (4) |
5 | --- | --- | cyan (5) |
6 | --- | --- | yellow (6) |
7 | --- | --- | light gray (7) |
8 | --- | --- | dark gray (8) |
9 | --- | --- | light blue (9) |
10 | --- | --- | light red (10) |
11 | --- | --- | light magenta (11) |
12 | --- | --- | light green (12) |
13 | --- | --- | light cyan (13) |
14 | --- | --- | pale yellow (14) |
15 | --- | --- | white (15) |
01 CLS:VMODE 1 |
01 CLS:VMODE 1,PLOT 55,0 |
01 CLS:VMODE 1,PLOT 55,0 |
11 BOX 0,0,115,167 |
10 FBOX 0,0,0,100 |
10 CIRCLE 50,50,20,20 |
10 FC 50,50,20,10 |
01 VM 1 |
01 VM 1 |
10 GPIX P,0,0 |
Video mode | Pixels per subblock |
1 | 8x8 |
2 | 4x4 |
3 | 2x2 |
Mode | Source | Aim | Additional parameter |
1 | image memory | image memory | Y1,X1,DY,DX,Y2,X2 |
2 | image memory | array | Y,X,DY,DX,ARRAYPOS |
3 | ARRAY | image memory | ARRAYPOS,Y,X |
Video mode 1 | (8 * DX * DY) +2 |
Video mode 2 | (4 * DX * DY) +2 |
Video mode 3 | (2 * DX * DY) +2 |
01 DATA 0,1,1,$FF,$81,$81,$81 |
mode | source | aim | zus.Parameter |
4 | image memory | image memory | Source address, destination address, number of bytes |
5 | image memory | array | Source address, destination address, number of bytes |
6 | ARRAY | image memory | Source address, destination address, number of bytes |
Header byte | Address | Function |
1 | N | the collision flag (0/2) |
2 | N+1 | Y position (at the beginning $ff or -1) |
3 | N+2 | X position (at the beginning $ff or -1) |
4 | N+3 | Y extension in characters (dy) |
5 | N+4 | X extension in characters (dx) |
01 DA 0,0,-1,-1,1,1,"*",$86 |
01 DA 0,2,-1,-1,1,1,"*",$86 |
01 FOR N=0 to 255:NOTE N |
value | meaning |
0...62 | Notes in a "dark" tone with fast envelope |
63 | Noise with fast envelope |
64...126 | Notes in a "bright" tone with fast envelope |
127 | Noise with fast envelope |
128...190 | Notes in a "dark" tone with a slow envelope |
191 | Noise with a slow envelope |
192...254 | Notes in a "light" tone with a slow envelope |
255 | Noise with a slow envelope |
01 DA 0,39,8,44,4,49,8,44,4 |
value | meaning |
0 | Sequencer is stopped |
1 | Sequencer will run until the end of the current cycle and will stop |
2...127 | Sequencer runs, notes are played, after each cycle the cycle counter is reduced by 1 |
128...255 | Sequencer is running, notes are played, cycle counter does not change |
10 DIR $F0 |
10 OUT 7,0 |
10 OUT $1F0,$F0 |
Bit | Bit=0 | Bit=1 |
0 | see SCK clock divider | see SCK clock divider |
1 | see SCK clock divider | see SCK clock divider |
2 | Data transfer with leading edge of the clock | Data transfer with trailing edge of the clock |
3 | Clock in rest LOW | Clock in rest HIGH |
4 | SPI slave | SPI master |
5 | Bit 7 is sent first | Bit 0 is sent first |
6 | Bit rate x 1 | Bit rate x 2 |
Bit 6 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 | Frequency |
0 | 0 | 0 | 5 MHz |
0 | 0 | 1 | 1.25 MHz |
0 | 1 | 0 | 312.5 KHz |
0 | 1 | 1 | 156.25 KHz |
1 | 0 | 0 | 10 MHz |
1 | 0 | 1 | 2.5 MHz |
1 | 1 | 0 | 625 KHz |
1 | 1 | 1 | 312.5 KHz |
01 OUT $4B9,92 |
01 D=IN($426) |
10 IF SPI(67)<>67 PRINT "ERROR" |
01 SPISEL $F7 |
01 SPUT 65,10 |
01 SGET C |
n | Bit rate (bps) |
0 | 1200 |
1 | 2400 |
01 BAUD 1 |
01 ESPUT 65,66,10 |
01 ESGET C |
bbb | Bit rate (bps) |
000 | 1200 |
001 | 2400 |
010 | 4800 |
011 | 9600 (default) |
100 | 19200 |
101 | 31250 (MIDI) |
110 | 38400 |
111 | 57600 |
b | Stop Bits |
0 | 1 stop bit |
1 | 2 stop bits |
bbb | format |
000 | 8 bits, no parity bit |
001 | 8 bits, even parity |
010 | 6 bits, no parity bit |
011 | 8 bits, odd parity |
100 | 7 bits, no parity bit |
101 | 7 bits, even parity |
110 | 5 bits, no parity bit |
111 | 7 bits, odd parity |
01 EBAUD 5 |
01 PU 1 |
01 SGET C:IF C<>21 THEN GOTO 1 |
01 SPUT 21 |
01 DATA HI(B),LO(B),LO(A),HI(A):ICOMM $a0,0,4 |
02 EPOKE V,$12 |
02 W=EPEEK(V) |
01 XPOKE 100,C |
02 W=XPEEK(100) |
01 VPOKE 0,66:VPOKE 690,$08 |
01 DA 0,65,0,66,0,67,27+128 |
01 ? "A" |
01 PAGE 0 |
value | meaning |
0 | no data flash connected |
2048 | 4MBit Dataflash connected |
4096 | 8MBit Dataflash connected |
value | meaning |
252 | File is not used |
16 | BASIC program |
18 | Backup file |
20 | USR file |
22 | Chip-8 file |
24 | AVR binary |
26 | GPS location list |
28 | Sampling data |
30 | Logic block definition |
31 | Image file |
32 | Screenshot file |
34 | S12(X) binary |
-1 | File number does not exist |
n | return value |
-1 | Number of free files |
-2 | Number of free pages |
0...255 | Number of pages in the file or 0 (not used) |
40 'create file F with P pages |
a | array area |
0 | 0...255 |
1 | 256...511 |
2 | 512...767 |
50 'write array 0...255 to |
a | array area |
0 | 0...255 |
1 | 256...511 |
2 | 512...767 |
50 'read page P of file F to |
56 'delete file F |
60 'draw fileselct box |
10 DATA 0,252,0:F=FFIND(0) |
a | array area |
0 | 0...255 |
1 | 256...511 |
2 | 512...767 |
a | array area |
0 | 0...255 |
1 | 256...511 |
2 | 512...767 |
10 DATA 0,252,0:C=FFIND(0) |
01 DATA 0,97,"Hello World",0 |
01 DATA 0,97,"Continue?",0 |
Character | Menu Properties |
0 | A menu level, function returns only when one of the keys listed in the next table is pressed. |
1 | Two menu levels, function returns only when one of the keys listed in the next table is pressed. |
2 | A menu level, function returns only when you press any key (except Shift, CTRL and Alt). |
3 | Two menu levels, function returns only when you press any key (except Shift, CTRL and Alt). |
Offset | Button | Return value |
0...5 | ESC | 1 |
6...11 | F1 | 2 |
12...17 | F2 | 3 |
18...23 | F3 | 4 |
24...29 | F4 | 5 |
30...35 | left CTRL + ESC | 6 |
36...41 | left CTRL + F1 | 7 |
42...47 | left CTRL + F2 | 8 |
48...53 | left CTRL + F3 | 9 |
54...59 | left CTRL + F4 | 10 |
01 '1111112222223333334444445555551 |