the panel lights on the Yaesu FT-301
No modification on your FT-301 is required!
by sv3ora

Before you attempt any modification on
any commercial radio, you should first study it's manual really well. Here
is the manual of the Yaesu FT-301 transceiver. It is a great radio, in
fact one of the best looking radios ever produced to my taste. To me,
when I am in front of the panel of this radio, it feels like being in
front of an old military plane cockpit. This alone is an excuse for
more time on HF transceiving and DX contacts. I have two of them, both
with analogue dials (versions FT-301 and FT-301S), because I do not
particularly like the digital readout versions of this radio, the
FT-301D and FT-301DS.
This radio has a special panel, as
it is totally black with white markings on it. Even the S-meter
background is black. This combination of colors gives a very special
property to the radio, it provides high contrast. High contrast, allows
the reading of the markings even on very dim light conditions in the
The nice looking frequency dial and S-meter, have incandescent bulbs
above them to light them up, two for the dial and one for the S-meter.
Whereas these are incandescent bulbs and not LEDs, they still shine the
dial and S-meter quite brightly. Many of you may think that a brightly
shinning dial especially from an incandescent bulb, is beautiful in the
night. It certainly has something that the cold light of LEDs cannot
reproduce easily, being vintage or simply a different kind of light.
However, for this high contrast dial and S-meter, the bright lighting
is more of a decoration thing rather than practical.
There are a few points with bright lighting that you might have thought
or not. The first point is that a bright incandescent light causes the
incandescent bulb to fail after some years of operation, because its
filament burns at high temperature near it's nomimal voltage/current
level. Indeed, one of the most common problems when you buy vintage
radios, is that one or more incandescent bulbs have failed and need to
be replaced. Replacing a miniature incandescent bulb nowadays is not
the easiest thing as these become more and more rare in this "LED era".
They are cheap when they are found though.
The second point is that the FT-301 dial and S-meter are high contrast
and the addition of a bright light only makes contrast worse. As I
said, it is there mainly for decorative purposes. To test this, I
disconnected the bulbs and switched on the radio. The markings on the
dial and the S-meter could be read even at very dim light conditions
inside the shack. In fact, on low ambient light, reading the dial and
S-meter without any background lighting was preffered, not only for
contrast reasons, but also because any tiny dust inside these black
background dials shows up way more easily, when the bright incandescent
lights are on. Ok, cleaning these from time to time should help, but it
is not that easy to clean them, as this requires dissasembly of the
front panel of the radio, its knobs and in the case of the S-meter,
opening it up.
The third point somehow relates to the second. In the frequency dial,
there is a dim red vintage LED indicator, which indicates the exact
frequency reading. There is a pointer marking there as well for the
purpose, but the dim red LED is behind the rotating disc which has the
KHz markings on it. The rotating disc is black with white KHz markings
on it. When the dim red LED light hits the disc from behind, it's light
passes through the white disc markings but not through the black
background of the disc. This makes markings appear instantly red and
then switched back to white, giving their turn to adjacent markings,
when you rotate the frequency knob. Because the KHz markings are close
together onto the disc, this LED has to be dim, so as it's light can
effectively light up only the current KHz mark and not the adjacent
ones. And here begins the problem with the bright background lighting.
Such a lighting makes the dim LED pointer barely visible in some
ambient light conditions. So once again, the usage of bright dial
lights degrades contrast and readability.
There is a fourth point to consider, but this is kind of personal
prefference. A bright dial in a dark room makes your brain concentrate
more on the light and markings and a bit less on the reveived audio. We
are talking about faint signals here, where you try to dig them from
the noise. They say the best reception of such signals is being done
with the eyes closed, or in a dark room and with headphones on. It
seems than when you don't use your eyes a lot, your ears become more
sensitive, as your brain focuses more on the hearing sense. It is the
same thing when you compare the radio with the television, in TV you
use your eyes a lot and stop hearing things around you as your brain
focuses on it.
The contrast of the dial and the S-meter in the FT-301 is so nice that
I actually prefer reading them without any incandescent light bulbs
switched on, when the ambient light conditions in the shack are mid to
high. But when all the lights in the shack are switched off, you must
have some kind of S-meter and dial lighting, because otherwise only the
red LED will be seen. To satisfy this and overcome the problems
mentioned in the previous paragraphs, I decided to operate the
incandescent bulbs at a lower brightness. This greatly
increases their life span, allows the LED indicator to be visible,
preserves the high contrast on mid to high ambient lighting and allows
for reading of the dial and the S-meter on total darkness, without
fancy blinding lights.
There are different solutions for operating the bulbs in lower
brightness, current limiting resistors, higher voltage bulbs, voltage
regulators etc. However, the one I liked the most was the simplest and
the one that did not required any additional components or mods to the
radio. I connected the two frequency dial lights in series instead
of parallel. This reduced their brightness significantly. My S-meter
bulb had already burnt out (the classic problem I described above) so I
found one from my junk box, that run at about the same brightness as
the series connected dial bulbs. I guess, if the original S-meter bulb
had not gone bad, I could connect the two frequency dial bulbs in
parallel and these in series with the S-meter bulb, but this was not
The results were very satisfying. Now
I can leave the radio on for many hours each day, without worrying too
much about burning out the incandescent light bulbs. When there is mid
to high ambient lighting, the incatescent bulbs are so dim that their
light is not seen onto the dials and only the ambient light lights the
dial up and revealrs it's high contrast glory. When the shack lights
are switched off, the brightest thing is the dim RED pointer led,
indicating nicely (but not blindingly) the KHz on the tuning dial. The
even dimmer incandescent light is barely seen from accross the dark
room and it provides just enough light to read the markings when being
close to the radio with the room lights off, without blinding you up.
With the very dim incandescent bulbs, I discovered that the FT-301
transparent plexi glass on the frequency dial, shows a tiny amount of
greenish-blueish hue onto some areas near the bulbs, despite the bulbs
color is dim orange. I do not know how to explain this, but it is a
very nice effect. Perhaps it relates to the tiny coloration of the
plexi glass which is not noticeable in bright light. We are talking
about traces of greenish-blueish hue here, don't think that they make
the plexi glass turn blue! These light variations are so small that
cannot be shown in a photograph, as the camera is not sensitive enough
to show them, like the eye conceives them.
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