swl radio
wave lradio
I will show you one of my first projects. I made it about 13 years ago.
This is a radio. It does not have RF amplifier. It has two stage of IF
amplifier. It is a normal single super radio. It has beat frequency oscillator
and S meter. See the circuit! Oscillator makes from 4MHz to 12MHz. It can
receive From 3.55MHz to 11.55 MHz. Originally I planed to inject the oscillated
signal on the gate of the mixer. But the connection capacitor has no need.
The same thing was happen on the grid injection of the tube receiver. The
frequency of the mixer and oscillator is changed by the double variable
capacitor. It does not have some tracking system. The core of the mixer's
coil is tuned to get a good gain on the 7MHz. Therefore the gain of 10MHz
and 4MHz is not so good. The tuner variable capacitor is made by that of
AM radio. The sub tuner capacitor is connected parallel for that. And 1/20
gear is used for the spread capacitor. One turn of it makes 10KHz of the
frequency. Therefore I could tune on the ssb signal of 7MHz easy. Oscillator
is a normal electric coupled oscillator (ECO). The oscillator is not have
some special stabilizer. Therefore the frequency is not so static. From
the timing of the power on, it need about ten minutes to be used for ssb
signal receiving. I made no power switch on this machine, because I stayed
the power everytime on. Some QRH happend by the change of the temperature.
I could not open the window of my heated room on winter.This radio has
two stage IF amplifier. It is constructed by source based amplifier. 2SK19
was popular name of this time. If this amplifier oscillates, you can omit
the bypass capacitor on the source. It may be good to change the resister
of the source. I used the ceramics filter for the AM radio. It is good
in order to hear the short wave radio station. But it is too wide in order
to hear the ssb signal. I have heard the strongest signal on the 7MHz ssb
band. Detector is a normal diode AM detector. It is used for a product
detector , when the BFO signal is injected in the drain of the diode. This
circuit is used on the valve receiver. This detector has a high impedance
output. Therefore I must use the FET buffer on the next stage.Audio amplifier
is made by a transformer input single ended push pull circuit (TRANS-SEPP).
I got this transformer from the broken radio. You can use LM386 or the
head phone amplifier of my homepage. Output power of this amplifier is
500mW. It was enough for me. This project has an basic theme that simple
and static . I wanted to make with no accessary. But the box is got from
my failure projects. The failure projects has many accessary. You can see
the many holes on the front panel. It was the hole of many switches of
the last time. The S meter is already attached on the front panel. I could
not permit to remain the big circle hole on the front panel. Therefore
I attached the S meter. S meter is driven by the FET amplifier. But it
is not so sensitive. Only the Moscow radio can drive this meter. I connected
ten meter wire antenna and earth for this machine. I heard many radio station
on the 7MHz and 9MHz. Voice of America, Radio Australia and Radio India
was heard. I collected many BCL cards. I have heard many amateur station
of 7MHz ssb. I got SWL-JCC 300 ( Award of 300 another cities in Japan).
I have made activity of the radio amateur on the 21MHz CW with this machine
with a simple crystal convertor. I got WAC ( Worked all continental) with
this machine. I feels now that this machine has no originality. But I want
to show you the first step to be the radio amateur. Do not try to make
the ssb transceiver or FM handy on your first project.
<<箕荷: ATT00002.htm>
Dear Tinus I am very happy to receive such a letter. I will up link your
letter on my home page No.91.
From: tinus[SMTP:prinst@intekom.co.za] Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 19:07
To: jf10zl@intio.or.jp Subject: Fan and improvement Hi Kazuhiro, I am now
a great fan of your circuits. I have build some of them and found that
they practically work first time. I have made a set with a 2 standard oscilators
and a pre-amp and an audio amp using LM386. This fits into a unit which
have 8 X 5 blocks, my parts are then made into little blocks which can
then just be places into this. With this concept I can build any design
within minutes. Connecting is made up with the pins of IC sockets. I have
build project 91 SWLRADIO.GIF and found it pretty smart. With playing around
a bit I found that if I changed the IF1 coil arounf it improved the signal.
Further I found that 2 coils back to back before the detector stage improved
it even more. I you like I can redraw your circuit with my modifications.
I use this radio with only short 300mm antenna and pick up amateurs and
Radio Cape to boats from Johannesburg in South Africa. I have also replaced
the OZL9 coil with OZL28 pairs and so on and it still works fine on other
frequencies. I could perhaps also send gif file of my little invention
for designing circuits quick without soldering. I have now turned most
of the OZL coils for experimenting and find they work just fine. Next I
will go over to one of your more complex circuit. Nice making contact with
you. Tinus Prins South Africa
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