HF all bands handheld transceiver for the radio amateur
by sv3ora
This page, presents a
simple all HF bands transceiver for the radio amateur, designed to be a
handheld device. Such a device is of great interest to the HAM
community, but the commercial gear companies refuse to release such
devices, even today, where they could be made very small. The best
commercial handheld example that comes as close to it as possible, is
the Kenwood TH-F6/F7 transceivers, that can demodulate HF DSB signals,
but not transmit. Even such an expensive device does not have the
selectivity to demodulate SSB but only DSB. There are some KITs (for
example the TJ2B) that can also transmit on some of the HF bands as
well, but these are big and bulky handhelds and they cost way too much
as well. If you are lucky enough, you can also find some rare vintage
handhelds (Mizuho), that could transmit in a few HF bands as well, but
again they are rare and cost a fortune. Finally, if you are interested
only on 12 meters and above, there are very few CB handhelds (for
example the Magnum 1012 or the Albrecht AE-2990AFS) that can do SSB on
these bands and guess what,
they also cost a fortune.
For these reasons, I have decided to try to design a transceiver for
the radio amateur, that would meet the next requirements:
- Small enough to be considered as a handheld device (take it with you, anywhere), yet not using
SMD components.
- All HF bands operation
(not just one).
- Simple circuit, very
easy to replicate (no complex and tiny DDS).
However, there are quite a
few compromizes that must be made, if these requirements are to be met.
These compromizes will be explained as the aricle goes on, so let's start presenting one by one the transceiver components.
The power source
In any handheld transceiver, the choice of
the battery is one of the most important things to consider, as many
factors affect this choice, such as the size and the weight of the
battery, the power that it can supply, the consumption of the
transceiver, the charging capability, the cost of the battery and it's
replacement, the ever-ready capability, the easiness of removing it from the transceiver etc.
The power source for the transceiver is chosen to be a composite 12v
multi-cell AAA Ni-MH battery. Several
factors contributed to this decision. AAA battery cells are the most
common cells after the AA and they can be found in almost every part of
the civilized world, at the local stores. They are cheap (even the
rechargable ones) and significantly smaller and lighter than the AA
batteries. The weight and the size of the composite battery is not that
good, compared to Li-ION and LI-PO, but I choose rechargable Ni-MH
batteries because they can be recharged using any common cheap or
expensive charger found also in most stores around the world and they
are safer than the Ni-CD ones (which are abandoned in Europe anyway).
An important advantage of the AAA size, is that when you are out and
the batteries eventually discharge, you can immediatelly replace them
with ordinary cheap non-rechargable AAA batteries, buying them at
stores on the road and you don't have to wait for hours for the
discharged batteries to charge. Initially, I did not know the exact
power that the transceiver would consume, but I estimated that a 12v
950mA power source, would be sufficient for at least 1W of output power
from the transceiver, while keeping it powered several hours during
receive. A disadvantage of these batteries, is that they require
battery holders (like many others), but I do not see a better way if they are to be
removed easily from the transceiver.

I used solder type battery holders and I soldered them directly
onto the PCB of the transceiver. If the holder clips are too loose,
bend them a bit, so that they can keep the batteries firmly into their
body. This way, the whole construction is rigid and unaffected from vibrations as much as possible.
I connected the ten 1.2v batteries in series, to form a composite 12v
battery. In fact, when these batteries are fully charged, the total
output voltage will be 13v or more, which leaves a lot of headroom for
discharging. I did not want to use any kind of internal charger,
because these chargers tend to be noisy, which would possibly affect
the operation of the RF circuit. Not only that, but by having the
external mains-powered power source connected to the transceiver while
listenning, it's almost certain that noise will be induced into the
The choice of the rechargable battery type, is also important. Most
common Ni-MH batteries, have high self-discharge. This means that when
you leave the batteries for a long time into the transceiver, even if
these are initially fully charged and the transceiver set to the off
position, they will be discharged by themselves. Practically, this
means that when you need to use your transceiver the most,
it will be discharged. It happens all the time to me and it will
possibly happen to you as well. The solution, is to buy low self
discharge Ni-MH rechargable batteries. Don't go for the most expensive
brands if you can't afford them. Chinese brands, like the ones I have
used, are as cheap as high self discharge types. It is not always
obvious if a rechargable Ni-MH is of low self discharge type. The
easiest way to find this out, is to look at the battery case, when you
buy them new. If the case has the instruction, that the new battery has
to be charged before use, then it is a high self discharge type. If it
says, "ready to use" or something similar, then it is a low self
discharge type, so go for it.
The frequency counter
The frequency counter is a useful addition to this non-DDS
transceiver. The transceiver is a direct conversion one, so the
frequency counter input, is directly connected to the local oscillator,
to display the frequency the transceiver is tuned to. I could use a
2x16 LCD based frequency counter, but this would be way too big and
heavy for this transceiver. So I have chosen one that used 7-segment
displays, which can be found in small sizes. Below is the schematic of
the frequency counter.
5v |
ic1 |
pic |
16f628 |
100nf |
ic1 |
ic2 |
ic3 |
ic2 |
898 |
-3- |
r1k |
ic3 |
qdsp |
-6064 |
14 |
06 |
01 |
16 |
12 |
560r |
07 |
02 |
15 |
11 |
27k |
03 |
08 |
03 |
14 |
02 |
input |
bf199 |
330r |
100nf |
09 |
04 |
13 |
08 |
05 |
10 |
05 |
12 |
05 |
10k |
11 |
06 |
11 |
03 |
5v |
04 |
12 |
07 |
10 |
09 |
22pf |
13 |
08 |
09 |
07 |
15 |
01 |
04 |
4mhz |
02 |
01 |
22pf |
16 |
17 |
10 |
18 |
06 |
The Schematix data for this
schematic, is shown below. You can use this data, to send this
schematic to your friends through radio.
al5v bbic1 bdpic be16f628 bk100nf blsi bnic1 bqic2 btic3 cbic2 cd898
cethree cfr1k cjrf ckte clhe cmea cngn coea cpea cqgn crea csea ctgn
dbic3 ddqdsp de6064 dlae dm14 dnwh do06 dp01 dqwh dr16 ds12 dtwh ek560r
eles enwh eoea epea eqwh erea esea etwh flae fnwh fo07 fp02 fqwh fr15
fs11 ftwh gkit glhe gmea gnwh goea gpea gqwh grea gsea gtwh hj27k hkes
hlae hm03 hnwh ho08 hp03 hqwh hr14 hs02 htwh iginput ihts iieh ijte
iken ilne imbf199 inwh ioea ipea iqwh irea isea itwh ji330r jj100nf
jlae jnwh jo09 jp04 jqwh jr13 js08 jtwh klie kmea knwh koea kpea kqwh
krea ksea ktwh llee lm05 lnwh lo10 lp05 lqwh lr12 ls05 ltwh mnwh moea
mpea mqwh mrea msea mtwh nl10k nnwh no11 np06 nqwh nr11 ns03 ntwh oj5v
okts oleh omea onwh ooea opea oqwh orea osea otwh pm04 pnwh po12 pp07
pqwh pr10 ps09 ptwh qnwh qoea qpea qqtc qrea qsea qtwh rk22pf rnwh ro13
rp08 rr09 rs07 rtwh sjrf skte slei smea snwh soea spea sqea srea ssea
stwh tlae tm15 tnwh to01 ts04 ttwh uk4mhz uler unwh uoea upea uqea urea
usea utwh vlae vnwh vo02 vs01 vtwh wjrf wkte wlen wmea wnwh woea wpea
wqea wrea wsea wtwh xk22pf xm16 xnwh xo17 xs10 xtwh yntc yoea ypea yqea
yrea ysea yttc zo18 zs06
The 7-segment display used, is the vintage HP QDSP-6064 that contains
four digits, connected internally for common cathode multiplex
operation. It is in DIP package and it is really the smallest 7-segment
display I am aware of. If you cannot find this display, no problem,
replace with any other common cathode 7-segment display, but try to
find one that is small, so that it can fit into your handheld.

I had one 898-3-R1K resistor network available and I needed exactly
eight resistors for limiting the current to the display, so I used this
one. This has eight isolated resistors inside, like shown in the
schematic below. However, if you cannot find one, you can use eight
discrete resistors instead.

The frequency counter, including the display, is tiny and lightweight.
It also has auto-range. However, with a four digit display, the
resolution is limited to 1KHz for frequencies below 10MHz and to 10KHz
for frequencies above that. This is the counter resolution, not the
tuning step of the transceiver, which is designed to be analogue anyway
(no DDS). 1KHz is ok for a portable rig, but 10KHz is not too good.
However, even with this limitation, the frequency counter is still a
very useful addition and besides, it is very small.
The HEX file for programming the microcontroller for the frequency
counter, is presented here. It can be either downloaded as a file from this link, or coppied from the
listing below and pasted into notepad and then saved as a file with a
.hex extension, for loading into your burner program.
to be continued...
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