Tektronix 190 restoration and modification
to become a usable instrument in the lab
by sv3ora

In this multi-part video I demonstrate the restoration and the modification I did to a Tektronix 190 constant amplitude signal generator, in order to make it a really usable instrument in the lab.

If you do the modification, make sure you print, laminate and attach the next image to the internal cabinet of the instrument.

Note that you would need a NEGATIVE output voltage detector probe for the above modification. Also the detector needs to be of the voltage doubler type, as there is not enough voltage to drive the meter to full deflection in non-doubler type detectors. Here is a suitable detector probe that I have come up with which is adequately linear, but note that I still need to find better solutions to improve even more the linearity of this detector probe. I did not have the original 1N87A diodes that Tektronix used in the 190B detector to try them out, maybe those might me perfectly linear. In contrast the internal vacuum tube detector probe of the instrument (Tek 190A tube detector) is very linear. It might be a good solution to build an identical vacuum tube external detector some time in the future, or just find a pair of 1N87A diodes.


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